What does the Holy Spirit do?
Before looking at what does the Holy Spirit, let us first know, whom He is?
Who is the Holy Spirit and what can He do in our lives?
We already know that God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must do it in the truth and in spirit John 4:24. So, is the Holy Spirit God? Yes and No!
Interesting! The Bible tells us about the Deity. The Holy Trinity made up of God father, God son and Holy Spirit. Each personnality is God and all of the three make one God! Amazing! Today we gonna talk about the Holy Spirit.
Think about of a normal family , like our different families here in our lives, made up of a man, a wife and children. As God is omnipotent, He didin't need a wife to procreate. And as He always begins on small things, He didn't need to have many sons at the beginning. But now, Yes! He has many uncountable sons and daughters through Jesus Christ, His only begotten son.
God always begin with few to end up with multitudes. In Genesis we see that He only created one man and only one woman for him, and those two filled the entire earth. For salvation, He only began with Abraham and that time, Abraham was not even having a child, but see all the believers all around. So that's God father!
If we come back to our previous example of a family, the Holy Spirit is not a wife of God but is our helper John 14:26. In Genesis , we see also that Eve has been created to help Adam. They are both helpers but quitely different, because the Holy Spirit is more than a helper! Below you will know why!
Holy Spirit is the spirit of God in us, He always teaches us and remind us the will of God. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit knows what is on the heart of God, and teaches us to pray accordingly!
Remember when we come on this earth we are not aware of many things happening here down. We don't know how we can reach out to God. So, the Holy Spirit is like our GPS(Global Positioning System). He helps us and directs us towards God. Beyond that, in Romans8:26 we read that, He intercedes for us through wordless groans.
He knows our destine and He is the best guider we can ever have. He mostly talk to us, telling us what to do, what to do not do. Depending on our spiritual level, we can hear Him well or not, Like a mother talking to her small children, depending on their ages, the mother always talk to them. And even a baby of one day old communicate very well with his mom! As a mother of two, I know very well what I'm talking!
We have an amzing God, and He thought of everything. Can you imagine a newborn baby of less than a week, but he can understand some signs of his mom! And the mother also can know why her baby is crying, what he lacks and so on. How can you explain that!
We have a great god who takes care of everything, even the smallest. There is no any single mistake in His work. He doesn't negligate anything, Holy Spirit is in us to always remind us, consitently being in touch with us.
Bretheren, we are not alone, we have a partner, who is not against us, who is not there to record our mistakes. But a good partner, who is for us, who is trying hard to direct us to the right way.
Thank you for reading till the end of this post. May the Holy Spirit clarifies everything unclear to you!
I would like to recommend nice books to read, wich can help you to know and understand more the works of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit By Maria Woodworth-Etter
Maria Woodworth Etter was anointed by God to reach out sick and lost people. In this book, she discribes very well how God wants to use His people mightily in the end times. The readers will learn how they can lead people to the savior, how they can receive the spiritual gifts and they will make sure that they are always ready for the return of Christ. This book will help you to increase your faith and experience God working through you in miraculous ways specially these last days. For mor information, please check here.
Holy Spirit By Arthur W Pink
In this book, Arthur W Pink reveals an understanding of the Person of the Holy Spirit in such a way that demands the highest respect. He does not follow the modern charismatic take on the person and work of the Holy Spirit but he is faithful to apostolic teaching on the subject. The Holy Spirit's person and power are made very clear, and any reader would gain so much from this study. This is a good book to those who do not know much about the Holy Spirit. For more information, please click here.
Remember to share your ideas below, if you have any! May God bless you!