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Glorifying God in everything we do.

In Isaiah 43:7, the Bible tells us that God created us for His glory. We have been created to give Him glory, not to be rebellious but to honor Him and give Him praises. We must glorify Him with our bodies, through our works, with every talent that He gave us. Beyond that, we must glorify Him with all that we have !

Glorifying God with our bodies

When we read the Bible in 1Corinthians 6:19-20 we see that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit whom we have received from God. We must honor Him with our bodies because they have been bought at a price. The highest price above all, the blood of His only begotten son Jesus Christ.

We all know that the temple of the Living God needs respect. You don't do whatever you want inside of it. If our bodies are the temples of the Holy, we must control whatever we do with them. We have to make sure that whatever we do with them is glorifying or honoring God.

In Romans 14:7-9 we read that we don't live or die for ourselves, we live and die for the Lord. What are we using our bodies for? Are we not involving them into things that are not glorifying God?

In 1Corintians 6:18, the Bible tells us about the sin that is done inside our bodies or Holy Spirit's temples. This verse tells us to flee from sexual immorality. All other sins are done outside our bodies. Let us glorify God with our bodies!

Glorifying God through our work

By Glorifying God through our work, it doesn't only mean that payed work, the one we attend regulary inorder to receive a salary. No, it's beyond that!

Also think about that task asked by your wife, husband, mom, dad to accomplish at home. How do you do it when they are seeing and how do you do it when nobody is seeing? Colossians 3:22-23 says more about how we can submit to our masters. With a sincere heart, not looking for their favor but work at it as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Glorifying God through our work is being aware that there is an omnipresent and omniscient God who controls everything and sees whatever we do and how we do it. The God who sees the motivation behind every action we commit.

Wherever we are, let us be good ambassadors of Christ. Let us represent Him well. Let people be attracted by our good and different ways of behaving. Let us be the open book that people read and seek God.

We can not do it by our own but with the Holy Spirit on our side we can. Before the descent of the Holy Spirit, Peter betrayed Jesus 3 times but with the Holy Spirit, he accpted to die for Him.

The Holy Spirit does wonders into our lives when we allow Him.

Glorifying God with our talents

1Corintians 12 details more about God's gifts. We all have talents, different but yes, every one has something received from God, freely received.

Nobody has been forgetten! The problem is how we exploit them. 1Peter 4:10-11 we read that for any gift you have been given, learn to honor God with it, either for speaking or serving others.

Let us learn to honor God with anykind of talent we have. Let us not think that it's because of our human intelligence that we reached out on high levels of life or succeeded.

For these kind of gifts there are some that help us in our professional life, to improve our work performance and be successful. There are others that we have received to strengthen each other as believers. The first ones, we can sell their services, but second ones we must use them in the church, for the body of Christ. As we have received them freely, we must also give them freely.

Someone has been gifted of well preaching the scripture, or prophesying. He/she must do it freely because that gift is for the church of Christ. But if for example, you are gifted to draw so that with a pencil in your hands, people are straggling to make difference between your masterpiece and the original one. With this one, you can sell the service given.

Glorifying God with all we have

Here comes on, every thing that we own, anything belonging to us, our wealthy, our children, employees. Whatever or whoever that is under our responsibility, we must glorify God with them.

Children are God's gitfs. We must train them and teach them the truth. We will be responsible of their bad deeds if we didn't do well our job of showing them the truth.

Joshua 24:15 says that He and his houshold they will serve the Lord. It's a decision that evey believer must take. To serve the Lord with all our family members, all our close, all that are submitting to us and so on.

It's not allowed to do it by force, to force people to serve the Lord or praise and worship Him. They must do it from their own. It's our job to make them love and long for the godly things.

With an humble heart, through intercession and consistently prayers, the Holy Spirirt will operate in us and through us, He will attract them and change their hearts and desires.

We must also glorify God with our material wealth by helping those people in needs among us, by giving different kind of offerings and tithes. Mal 3:8-9 tells us that we rob to God when we don't bring to Him the thites and offering. And the consequences of this robbery is the curse, there is no prosperity where there is a curse. Let us be wise!

I have some books to recommend to whoever who wants to know more about this topic.

Pursuing Godliness by Elizabeth George.

In this book, delving into 1 Timothy, Elizabeth George shares how women can deepen their Christian walk, paying special attention to a quarter.

It is focused on putting God at the center of everything, bearing good fruit and having behaviors that glorify God. It's a Bible study that makes the quest for godliness an exciting and practical journey! For more information, please check here.

Be Worshipful Psalms 1-89 Glorifying God for Who He Is by Warren W. Wiersbe

In this book, the psalmists compose a songwriter's masterpiece through their unfathomable awe of our Creator. Out of the bottomless well of human emotion and purity of expression come both genuine expressions, cries of pain and shouts of joy that help us to improve our relationships with our Lord and elevating our respect for the psalmists themselves. By reading this book, you will also learn the deep mysteries of God. For more about this ook, check here.

Remember to share with us if you have a comment or any kind of idea. May God bless you!

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